www.hamarivani.com Building a House: Buliding a Home - Finding a Bulider (Part 1)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Buliding a Home - Finding a Bulider (Part 1)

After we bought a plot, the next that we needed to take was to look our for a builder. Fortunately, we had a relative here as well! You might find the mention of relatives irritating, but I am here to share my experience with you, and I reiterate, that  at the end of the day, thing work out more smoothly and effectively with personal contacts.

I will strongly recommend all of you to first look out for someone you know to finalize as a builder. If you dont know anyone, then better inquire from your close friends and relatives, to suggest some reliable person to you. Looking at the classified should be the last thing in your mind ! Trust me, if you can get the basics right, the you wont have to bore trouble for the next 6-8 months, till the till your house takes shape. But if you get the builder wrong, then you will not only end up spending more than your budget, but also suffer from dead line delays, and un necessary frustration during the work in progress.

So, the next step is spend a lot of time search for the right person. You are not looking for a good builder, but a good person ! That's my tip for you !